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GeneralTonic t1_j21m3nl wrote

>Of course, there’s a lesson here. And it’s not just for books. You could also apply it to music, newspapers, films, and a host of other media.

>But I almost hate to say it, because the lesson is so simple.

>If you want to sell music, you must love those songs. If you want to succeed in journalism, you must love those newspapers. If you want to succeed in movies, you must love the cinema.

Preach it! There was a time when bookstores were run by booksellers, not MBAs. When newspapers were run by newspapermen, not corporate mercenaries. You've got people in charge of these companies who look at their assets (including century-long reputations) and see a bunch of junk that should be turned into cash, rather than a business that accomplishes a service or provides goods and pays well those who do it.


miss_scarlet_letter t1_j222a7s wrote

wish they'd let medical professionals run medicine too.


Spare-Variation-7702 t1_j2300vm wrote

That's silly. People who study medicine for decades have no more knowledge than my google search. /s


T2and3 t1_j28m4kj wrote

But my one source from this sketchy pop science website one step removed from a blog post surely outweighs your years of studying medicine and decade of practical experience.


vulgrin t1_j24yw75 wrote

Hey, these vaginas ain’t gonna regulate themselves!


SegmentedMoss t1_j21on9c wrote

Shit, they dont even see people as people

Thats why the department is called "Human Resources." And those are the people who work for them!


harlie_lynn t1_j23un30 wrote

In my industry, many firms have switched to "Human Capital" which seems even more dehumanizing and kinda creepy lol


violetlilyrose t1_j22yo3h wrote

>You've got people in charge of these companies who look at their assets (including century-long reputations) and see a bunch of junk that should be turned into cash, rather than a business that accomplishes a service or provides goods and pays well those who do it.

Yes! I feel like this goes for just about every industry these days and it's frustrating.


assvision2020 t1_j24l6im wrote

It goes for every industry because the people at the top are essentially the same - to them ultimately a widget's a widget, and the point of a widget is to transfer as much money into their pockets from as many people as possible


digital_dreams t1_j22vkdg wrote

When you have a bunch of corporate busybody number crunchers making the decisions on what to sell... it should be no surprise that the product is bland and soulless.


thewhitecat55 t1_j24ge1v wrote

This is the problem in the video game industry as well.

Moronic suits who don't get it.