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boxer_dogs_dance t1_j24na2w wrote

I remember when this book became popular but never read it. Self help books are often just about making money from book sales. Thank you for the review. I won't read it.


Purplefootprint OP t1_j24xq6s wrote

I don't usually turn to self-help books precisely because I have a similar view about them as you do. Recently I even had a psychologist suggest me to read a self help book and "take what works". Though I understand that approach, I find it problematic because often the questionable parts might bring into question the validity or the soundness of the foundation upon which the "working parts" stand on. The whole book should be cohesive, it's not a bag of tricks with working parts among a lot of debris.


EidolonSteps t1_j25uuxk wrote

In the self help books I've read that I've found useful (one of which was from a therapist) they generally have "taking what works" baked into the text themselves. From what I've heard this is not common (hence my general hesitancy to read them) but a good one acknowledges everyone is different and addresses possible causes and solutions, so you're inherently only taking what works.