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BeneLeit t1_j260dm6 wrote

I couldn't finish when I tried several years ago. It was always being referred to as the epitome of women's empowerment, and so deep and meaningful, etc. I felt like I was really missing something, having never read it!

And then I tried, and gave up in frustration. Soooo many words, so over the top, so pretentious. I could not get past the writing style and general vibe.

I'm sure it has some valuable stuff in it, and I totally get that for some women, it might really hit the mark. Not for me, though.

(Ironically, I felt more empowered by giving myself permission not to read it! 😆)


Purplefootprint OP t1_j26yos0 wrote

That's also what I heard! A book about claiming your power back. However, a book where claiming your power back stands on an "us vs them" scenario doesn't give you power, but an scapegoat.