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Bookanista t1_j27m35j wrote

All people are equal, but women face structural sexism. So if women want to believe their ovaries are magic. Have at it.


Purplefootprint OP t1_j2cjur8 wrote

Indeed women are subject to sexism in many areas of life, but is "magic ovaries" and/or "men fear us because we are so powerful" the way to go? From my perspective, that sounds like an escape, a way to distract people in general from facing the real problems and working to solve them. I can believe with all my might that, if I concentrate hard enough, and as the Universe, I'll be able to command Mjölnir, but that still won't fix the wage gap or the lack of real job opportunities for women, or the disparity in domestic life and household responsabilities. (Even if it were cool to toss Mjölnir around and have it come back to me upon comand, unlike my keys).