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BurtBruh t1_j29e7ry wrote

Do you, perhaps focus too much on reading the books that "score well" and get good reviews but don't do much for you?

You need to think of a topic and get something out of it. Or at least read stuff you are genuinely interested in. It's hard to explain, but I had this same problem as you; I went on a decade-long hiatus of not reading.

Now I read every day, more or less.

Don't go for the "famous" ones; go for the ones you know you'll enjoy, so to speak.

A bit hard to explain so forgive me if I'm not doing it well.


TheCyanicalDoughnut OP t1_j29iqg8 wrote

Yess i did do the tiktok trend read thing and tried to read The girl on the train and a few Sarah J mass which did not work for me even tho they did for everybody else. Yea your right ig I should focus more on good books rather tgen trending ones!


BurtBruh t1_j29nc1a wrote

To be frank, reading is also a skill that you have to re-learn how to do from time to time.