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Equivalent-Pension22 t1_j1zyhl8 wrote

I feel you (I think). As a huge erotica reader myself, I have felt like that more than once, to the point of looking for ways to quit altogether and look at it like an addiction. There's just so much to read and the Internet is so BIG (yes I'm the one who sometimes opens thirty AO3 tabs each leading to a story that seems just right only to feel almost trapped and going through them like a chore....) And when I'm done or quit for the day I feel like I accomplished nothing and didn't bring anything nourishing to my brain or body. If this sounds familiar, the good news is feeling like this is not permanent and you'll still be able to enjoy reading erotica 😊 you just need a little more balance, and feeling sad/empty after reading smut is just your body's way of letting you know that. ). For me the best way to reboot is to either just stop altogether for a while or limit myself to X story.ies a week for a while and wisely choose it/them. Monitoring the time you spend reading vs the time you spend doing something useful/fulfilling/resting also works for me. I hope this helps some!