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HauntedReader t1_j1zomgz wrote

Is it an actual addiction or is it you just enjoy these books but feel like you shouldn't?

There are a lot of people who look down on smutty romance novels and treat them like they're not "real" literature but that's some elitists nonsense.

Read what you enjoy.


ughlacrossereally t1_j1zq38s wrote

smutty novels are a great way to explore personal desire. I wouldn't think it's a problem unless it's negatively impacting your relationships or something. best of luck finding your answer though


chunky_monkey9 t1_j1zt826 wrote

Porn addiction and reading erotica are not comparable in my opinion. It's like comparing tik tok and being addicted to reading books! You are not biologically designed to get off on the sight of letters and sentences, and will never have an issue putting a book aside when need be. You just enjoy the work, dont feel bad about it. Literature is not a badge of intellect its just a medium for entertainment


wolfdigger t1_j1zv2bq wrote

Your comments said you just want to read more difficult books so idk, do that?

Pick up some easier classics or modern literary fiction. Read an erotica as a reward for making it through.


bad-art t1_j1zvrnq wrote

I don't think it's fair to minimize OPs struggle with addiction. If you're serious about quitting you may need to consider downsizing your library, and trying resist the temptation to purchase more. I'm just curious, what drove you to this realization? Is it affecting another aspect of your life?


IndigoTrailsToo t1_j1zvsip wrote

Everyone has little go to guilty pleasure books and that's not a bad thing.

Personally I don't think you are quite so much in a hole has you are looking for books that are actually good that can hold your attention.

Think about the books that you did read that weren't erotica, what do they have in common? What genre were they? What did you like about them?


Equivalent-Pension22 t1_j1zyhl8 wrote

I feel you (I think). As a huge erotica reader myself, I have felt like that more than once, to the point of looking for ways to quit altogether and look at it like an addiction. There's just so much to read and the Internet is so BIG (yes I'm the one who sometimes opens thirty AO3 tabs each leading to a story that seems just right only to feel almost trapped and going through them like a chore....) And when I'm done or quit for the day I feel like I accomplished nothing and didn't bring anything nourishing to my brain or body. If this sounds familiar, the good news is feeling like this is not permanent and you'll still be able to enjoy reading erotica ๐Ÿ˜Š you just need a little more balance, and feeling sad/empty after reading smut is just your body's way of letting you know that. ). For me the best way to reboot is to either just stop altogether for a while or limit myself to X story.ies a week for a while and wisely choose it/them. Monitoring the time you spend reading vs the time you spend doing something useful/fulfilling/resting also works for me. I hope this helps some!


keesouth t1_j2020wy wrote

I love reading "crappy" books as a mental palate cleanser. I know sometimes I just need something mindless and entertaining. It's not an addiction unless it's affecting your life and your relationships.


lynx_and_nutmeg t1_j203f5s wrote

Tons of people are addicted to reading, and it can definitely feel impossible to put an engrossing book down. And sexual content can feel addictive in any form... Just because you're more of a visual person and can't imagine written porn being equally absorbing doesn't mean it can't be that way for some people. Well-written smut feels a lot more addictive to me than visual porn.


Wickedjr89 t1_j203u15 wrote

There is nothing wrong or shameful about reading erotica. Ignore the elitist stigma. An addiction, from my understanding, requires it to actually affect you in a negative way in your day to day life. Is it negatively affecting your relationships? Your work? Stuff you have to do? If it's not negatively affecting anything like that, I wouldn't call it an addiction.

If it is though or you're just feeling like you need some more balance, look at the books that are not erotica that you enjoy and find some more books like them and just try and find a better balance. I know that can be easier said than done. Good luck with finding your answer.


Amayokay t1_j20dk2c wrote


Either your therapist helps you work through your addiction, or reconcile the guilt. It's a win either way.


Brandosandofan23 t1_j20eizp wrote

Somehow everything is labeled as elitist now. The reading is all equal has just gone way too far on this sub

God forbid he wants to challenge his mind. Are we not doing a disservice by not trying to give this person amazing books we have all read that are more meaningful than erotica? I donโ€™t get it


Wickedjr89 t1_j20em4u wrote

Yea :( that makes me sad. There is nothing wrong or shameful about reading erotica. That's why I mentioned that first, but then others had mentioned balance and I didn't want to assume that it was all about feeling ashamed.

But it's a shame there is such stigma around reading erotica. Hell anything deemed "feminine" is often looked down upon and most people reading erotica, are women. Of course there is nothing wrong with a man or nonbinary person reading erotica, but seeing as it's mostly women, it gets looked down on, because sexism.