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RobleViejo OP t1_j1iqz50 wrote

Oh yeah the imaginary girlfriend was too much even for me. That was some incel level stuff if I have to be honest.

And Im honestly not liking Cixin books, not because of the plot but because of the writing. It wanders off too much and they way he phrases things sound odd most of the time. Probably because of the huge differences between mandarin and english. But Im not re-visiting these books regardless. Im powering through the last ones just because Im already commited to the time I dedicated to the previous ones. Stockholm Syndrome I guess.


undeadbydawn t1_j1irp5m wrote

Dark Forest forced me to establish a hard 'do not continue' rule for hated books. It's saved an awful lot of time and hassle.

There's some value in reading bad books. But those that are horrible enough to regret buying them? Nope. Gone.