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FaerieQueene510 t1_j1iy76z wrote

You should probably tell this to a therapist rather than to strangers on reddit.


RobleViejo OP t1_j1j2z4p wrote

Last therapist I saw told me "Yeah... I dont think Humanity will exist in 500 years"

Im not even making this up.


That-Soup3492 t1_j1j8xpg wrote

Meaning is something that we create, both individually and with each other. Who knows what any of our futures will hold, but that doesn't make the now less meaningful.

But then I tend to stand with the existentialists when it comes to the big issues.


ONEAlucard t1_j1jvspz wrote

You won’t be here in 500 years. So that’s irrelevant. The only thing you can do is be kind, compassionate and do your best to limit misery and pain in others as much as possible. If you’re truly as empathetic as you seem to think you are. Then your moral imperative now is to do everything you can to limit as much suffering in the world as you possibly can. You truly give a shit about humanity as much as you say you do? Prove it. Help people.

This is my creed. You should live by it too.

> Live a just life and limit the suffering of others to the best of your ability. Through the use of education, compassion, and empirical facts.

> Treat others as you want to be treated, and in a manner they consent to. > Do not do good for gain. > Give to others with no expectation of anything in return. Kindness requires no payment. It is not love if you require them to give it back.

> Have compassion for those who are suffering. Be it those that self harm, or those that lash out in rage. Violence of the self, or of others, is usually born of violence- avoid it as much as is practical- but do not be afraid to defend yourself, or others, when there are no other options.

> Always seek to lift others up. Encourage, and give others affirmation. The pursuit of your own growth is more rewarding when those around you are succeeding. Never discourage, and insult. There is nothing to gain with mean spirited remarks, regardless of how they have wronged you, or others. Hatred serves no purpose other than to poison yourself. Simply take in criticism, dispassionately reflect on it, and use that information to help yourself grow.

> Your pain from anything external is not because of that thing, but due to your estimation of it. If it is your estimation causing you grief, then you have the power to dissolve that. Remember, you get to decide how you interpret the world- and no one has the ability to take that away from you.


FaerieQueene510 t1_j1j7f14 wrote

No one can accurately predict any future. As an individual person, you don't know even know what your life will be like in 6 months, 2 years, 20 years, so there's literally no benefit in thinking about any future of humanity. If you have the means to get multiple therapists until you find a professional and smart one, then do so without hesitation.


DeedTheInky t1_j1je391 wrote

My go-to thought for reassurance is that historically, humans do seem to have a really good knack for just pulling a hail-mary solution out of their ass at the very last moment. It's no guarantee of course, but I wouldn't be surprised if in the next few decades we manage to just bust out carbon capture and fusion power or something ridiculous like that TBH.