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jefrye t1_j0sn17r wrote

>I think people who like to read tend to have broader minds

I strongly disagree with this.

This sub loves to think that reading is an inherent mark of superiority, but it's not. In fact, readers can be some of the most narrow-minded people out there: look at how many readers only stick to specific types of stories in a specific genre about a specific type of character, or look at how many readers simply do not read critically or deeply even if they do read widely. There's nothing wrong with any of that for people for whom reading is a hobby....but it's not a hobby that in and of itself confers superiority.

>I don't think that people are successful in their career because they read n pages.

But this agree with.


Davidstarr86 t1_j0snnnc wrote

Note, I specifically said tend to and broader. I did not say all readers are superior. I understand how that sentiment would rile yourself or others, which is why I didn't say it - I also don't think it's true. I do stand by what did say though. I hope you understand.


shnibbershnab t1_j0ttw6h wrote

It’s a generalization that you’ll find is broadly true though.

People who travel more also tend to be more open minded.

Education in general broadens your perspective.

You’re the only one who used the word “superiority”.

Arguing that reading is “only a hobby” is the type of thing conservatives say who poo poo education in general.

People read and grow and learn their whole lives.

It’s extremely small minded to call it “just a hobby” like you’re building ships in a bottle or something.


friendlius t1_j0te6wa wrote

I believe there is some evidence to suggest that reading is good for the brain.Here's an example of a study that found reading has long-lasting impact on the brain:

And here's one that suggests that if you are good at reading, it might stem from biological differences in the white matter in your brain:


shnibbershnab t1_j0tubnb wrote

Of course it’s good for the brain. All of education is predicated on reading.

Education doesn’t start and stop with some class structure that ends with some 1950’s k-12 + 4 year degree from accredited university.

It isn’t about homework and not sleeping in class


baobab_the_fruit t1_j0tdk9e wrote

You are here of course making the argument that the original comment somehow makes the point that people whom read are superior.

Going off on a triade as to why they aren’t, why this sub likes to think they are.

When the original comment just said that HE THINKS that people who read have broader minds.

There is no claim of superiority here. It’s no different from me saying “you have authors in your name, why are you trying to look superior by showing off who’s books you read” ?


[deleted] t1_j0sq4ex wrote



jefrye t1_j0t52c7 wrote

Lol what? How is this ironic?

But feel free to list your favorite authors in your flair too, nobody's stopping you...