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EddieBlake1891 t1_j0stdrp wrote

Reading, whether for professional or personal reasons, has made me the person I am. I’ve read books on leadership, philosophy, systems thinking, creativity, technical books, self-help, etc. All of these have provided me with understanding that’s solidly responsible for how I view the world and move in it.

As for career, it’s difficult to provide recommendations when we don’t know what you do.

If you were to say management or a leadership role, I’d recommend reading widely, but not just your run of mill self help books. I would recommend books on best management practices and also books on systems thinking. Anything by Peter Drucker, look into “Thinking in Systems” by Donatello Meadows or “The Fifth Discipline”.

Thereafter, I’d recommend books on mental models and/or critical thinking.

Also, be sure to pick up some history books but keep it broad so you pick on themes and gain understanding.

The aforementioned types of books have helped me navigate the corporate workplace even though they don’t all relate directly to my profession.

Good luck.