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Darkchyylde t1_izjfmie wrote

How is it stealing? If you're cancelling it means you no longer want to use their service. So you either use the credits you have while you're still a member or you forfeit them. It's kinda just basic logic.


saleornosale t1_izjfrdk wrote

That’s pretty standard practice for most subscription services.

My recommendation would be either look for books you know you’ll read or want to read at some point. I bought a few books when I had stacked up credits for a project I know I won’t start till January.

What are you interested in?


porcelainwax t1_izjhsbm wrote

“I paid 5 months for a product I wasn’t using then when I went to cancel it they told me I’d lose the benefits of the last 5 months if I didn’t use the credits I bought, I feel robbed!”

Bruh.. what??


NotAlwaysObvious t1_izjhekk wrote

You can pause your subscription so you don't get charged for more credits while you use up your existing ones


einstruzende t1_izjfps8 wrote

Revelation space series by Alastair Reynolds. I think it's 5 books.


UninterestinglyHurt t1_izjfq9o wrote

The Dresden Files


rowegram t1_izjirtk wrote

Except the last 2..


UninterestinglyHurt t1_izlmpuf wrote

I’m going to have to re-read them….are you including Jim Butchers narration of his latest book?


rowegram t1_izlse52 wrote

No - I was commenting on peace talks and battle ground.

I’ve read all of Butchers work and I love it. I thought for sure it was me when I read those 2 in 2020 so I recently reread the entire series, including shorts, just so I could read those in context of the series.

Suffice to say, I put Battle Ground down 2 days ago about 60% in. I just didn’t like it - same with Peace Talks - but I finished that one.


UninterestinglyHurt t1_izltvpm wrote

Honestly I listened to the whole series on audible while at work and enjoyed most of it but that was months ago I’m gonna re-read them and give you a fresh opinion. I don’t remember being that upset with them


rowegram t1_izlvgvn wrote

James Marsters IS Harry Dresden. I listened to them as they were released since 2012 mostly on my commute - Audible is the best.

I just didn’t think they added much - even with the major character events - felt like mid-season clip shows they run on tv series when they are out of ideas. Like - oh - remember this character / he is here too now - oh and this one too! etc…


UninterestinglyHurt t1_izlwj8s wrote

Oh yea I understand that. I’m still very new to fantasy genre Dresden Files is my opener to it. I’m currently on the Art of the Adept series by Michael G Manning. It’s a very good time. You’re so right in the fact of Jim Butcher being Harry Dresden. I was recently recommended The Dark Prism I haven’t started it yet. Do you have any recommendations?


rowegram t1_izlxsjl wrote

Dark Prism is fantastic - really cool magic system.

Read Codex Alera by Jim Butcher too -Kate Reading is fantastic.

If you like urban fantasy like Dresden - check out Iron Druid by Kevin Hearne - also on audible - Luke Daniels narrates and really hits his stride on the second book - first one (Hounded) is a bit rough - but so was Storm Front. If you look up the reading order - it is a series you can listen to with the shorts and novellas in order without having to be worried about spoilers.

And Brandon Sanderson’s library - these are a mix of very heavy and very light series and one offs - more high fantasy though - all great narrators as well.

That should get you a year … or 2 if you like Sanderson - that dude writes like… all the words


UninterestinglyHurt t1_izlye9c wrote

You’re amazing this is amazing I have so many books to read now 😊. I really only have one recommendation and that’s “The Chemist” by Stephany Meyer. At least I thought it was cool, as I was saying this one of my friends just made fun of me for it hahaha.


rowegram t1_izm66vp wrote

Of course! I’ll check out The Chemist! I could honestly recommend way more - I’ve been listening to audible during all my mundane every day tasks for 10 years - I have like 750 or 800 books in my library because of it … I may need to seek someone about that =)


rowegram t1_izly34u wrote

Oh and Kings Dark Tidings by Kel Kade


gingernightowl t1_izjgw32 wrote

Scythe/Thunderhead/The Toll.

The Illuminae Files trilogy is a really fun experience in audio format.


Catsandscotch t1_izjj5cd wrote

I'm listening to Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari right now and I a really enjoying it. I also liked Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehesi Coates. I really enjoy non-fiction narrated by the author. For fiction, a super fun series that I have enjoyed is the Time Police series. It's about...well.. time traveling police. Their job is to protect the timeline. The first one is called Doing Time, by Jodi Taylor. I think there's 4 of them so far.