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Agreeable-Roof7429 OP t1_j1raa1y wrote

There are lots of ways to have sex and I was curious about the culture of sex at the time and what specifically would have been considered shameful


ladygoodgreen t1_j1rc4h5 wrote

At that time, most sexual stuff in most situations would be considered shameful. There was even some societal taboo about enjoying sex with your spouse.

The characters are not married, that’s bad. And they are from different social classes, that’s bad.


Sabbaticala t1_j1roexg wrote

The different classes is really what the author is skewering. Lord Chatterley is invalid and impotent. His employee is earthy and virile.


jtobiasbond t1_j1rjeqz wrote

People were considered radical for supporting anything but PIV. British sodomy laws, for example, had nothing to do with gender, any anal sex was considered equally bad.

France was considered liberal in the sexual realms; most popular pornographic books were translated from French or Italian


Sabbaticala t1_j1roipg wrote

Victorians are known for their porn, brothels and sexual kinks.


[deleted] t1_j1rae19 wrote



Agreeable-Roof7429 OP t1_j1ran25 wrote

🤷‍♀️ fair enough, though I think it's natural to wonder


Whaffled t1_j1rcie6 wrote

Agreed! A perfectly good question. And "it's not a porn novel" says nothing; what exactly is a "porn novel" ? and who gets to apply that label?


Sabbaticala t1_j1rp7wb wrote

The Supreme Court's ruling on what is obscene is very vague. The 1930s were a complicated time in the US. But we were always public prudes. In part, a backlash against the roaring 20's and empowerment of women and LGBTQ led directly to prohibition and the Hayes movie code.


PureChaos4704 t1_j1rcw3e wrote

It is. And your question is entirely understandable. Always thought myself that Lawrence may refer to something other than just PIV. Woman's pleasure wasn't regarded as necessary at that time. So it would be even a bit spicier and even more of a scandal.


Sabbaticala t1_j1rq98h wrote

In victorian times, they believed a woman had to orgasm to become pregnant. WWI changed so much.