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CrazyCatLady108 t1_j0zyiun wrote

Discussion is the goal

Do not post shallow content. All posts must be directly book related, informative, and discussion focused


TopBoot1652 OP t1_j10lm97 wrote

I was discussing books. If you mean that I should only discuss published novels, I will. Calling my reaction to the surprise I felt over a treasured book collection shallow seems discourteous. I trust that was not your intent.


CrazyCatLady108 t1_j11ohnf wrote

Your surprise over your donation being sold for funding is not about books nor is there much to generate a discussion. If you instead want to discuss library book management or ask where one might donate to get more 'philanthropic' bang for your buck, that would be an entirely different post.


None_4All t1_j10w9z4 wrote

Certainly not shallow. Let's move on though. Apologies.