Submitted by Able-Box505 t3_zxz3l7 in books


I'm not too far in the book "Their Eyes were watching God" (20 pages; starting chapter 3 if that helps), and I can't help but cry for Janie's grandmother.

This woman tried her best to protect her baby and it still backfired. Every mother's worst nightmare happened and Janie was born. Janie's poor grandmother tries to protect her as well, and only wants to see her happy and safe before she dies. She only wants Janie to be protected from being forced to live the life that she lived.

This woman is one of the most tear-provoking character that I've read about in my entire life. I am very inspired to continue with this book and Ms. Hurston's stunning writing.

(TL;DR - this woman needs an award, because WOW.)



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sugar_butt18 t1_j23hgq0 wrote

Read it in high school and loved it, you’ve inspired me to reread it.


Jrocker-ame t1_j23iv6v wrote

I read it a few years ago for my American lit class. It didn't resonate with me. That could be because my professor sucked and chose nothing but tragic books back to back. When you do that, you kinda grow numb to the tragedy. Despite how "powerful" it might be.


Arrow_from_Artemis t1_j23ztya wrote

And you're only on Chapter 3, lol! I'd love to see how you feel about the book when you finish it. Their Eyes Were Watching God has always been one of my favorite classics.


WackyWriter1976 t1_j24emp8 wrote

It's a wonderful story filled with soulful ups and downs that push you to finish. Keep going and enjoy!


Mister_Sosotris t1_j25gqub wrote

I ADORE that book! I’m reading a collection of her short stories right now, and it’s just reinforcing how incredible she is as a writer.


inbloomgc t1_j25orb5 wrote

Beautiful writing, heart wrenching story...


Professional_Maybe67 t1_j272ijn wrote

God the scene with the flowering fruit tree absolutly shook me. I've never felt more seen as a woman.