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lefthandedlibrarian t1_izwx3e7 wrote

Anything by Dan Brown. The Da Vinci code was trite and lazy. Robert Langdon is the most Mary Sue character I've experienced in adult fiction.


Kurtopotomus t1_izx77yz wrote

Dan Brown will make you dumber if you believe what he’s trying to sell as fact when it comes to art, architecture, history, religion, and science. Sometimes he takes a fact and bends it to his narrative and sometimes he straight up lies. That’s fine in fiction but he claims at the beginning of most books that everything is rooted in fact. Other than that though his books are like a summer blockbuster. Popcorn thrillers that are easy to digest where every chapter is a minor cliffhanger.


BaxTheDestroyer t1_izx3p5a wrote

I felt the same way. It was reminded me of the National Treasure movies.


Iffy50 t1_izx40tq wrote

Of all the books in the world, you chose Dan Brown? I've read most of his books and while I would concede that they are formulaic, I have always found the concepts encountered in them thought provoking. I certainly wouldn't say I lost any brain cells.


lefthandedlibrarian t1_j0bfv65 wrote

If that is your opinion of his books, I might say you didn't have many to lose in the first place.


Iffy50 t1_j0bic0p wrote

That was very rude. I'm very curious who would say something like that so quickly. I'm guessing that if I knew all the details of who you are I would chuckle.


Iffy50 t1_j0bj8vl wrote

Your comments and profile say a whole lot about you. Your arrogance is very unwarranted.