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Empty_Manuscript t1_j6ecacz wrote

I’d note that your examples are all fairly serious works that can give difficulties to even fairly accomplished readers and have been adapted to a very different flow on screen.

You might specifically try books that are reviewed as fun and fast paced, not part of a series, and aren’t something you’ve seen adapted.

I’d also suggest leaning toward quite recently published books. The closer you get to now, the more competition with movies and tv is baked into the process. For some books this means exaggerating taking time in order to differentiate the experience. But for books reviewed as fast paced, they’re often taking into account the idea that the expectation of the speed of story has changed. So the current bestseller lists may give better results than classics.

Basically, try to reach enjoyment first. Leave the work of broadening your horizons until after you already enjoy reading.

You might also enjoy trying a short story collection instead of a full novel, stuff you can read in a single day instead of dragging it out.