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HeyItsTheMJ t1_j6oxek4 wrote

It could just be a possibility of a book you don’t mesh well with. If I have to go back and read the beginning again, I don’t finish the book.


fedintheheadtheysaid t1_j6oyfd4 wrote

I don’t know if this is the case for all editions of the book, but when I read it, there was a list of both historical and current characters with a brief, spoiler-free description and there was a timeline with major events over the past 1,000 years in the back of the book. I found those helpful to keep everything in order while I read.


LadyWolvesBayne t1_j6oznmw wrote

Ah, this book. I read it long ago when it was all the hype. Needless to say, it didn't vibe with me, mostly because I couldn't figure out what the book was about... the book itself didn't seem to know either.

I know what made this book so hyped back in the day, and I think it's the exact same thing that steals the focus away from the premise entirely and turns the whole thing into a wasted opportunity for something epic, IMO. If that was the plan, then marketing did an awful job at selling this book like something it definitely isn't.

I usually do not keep reading a book if I'm not feeling it, no matter how many pages in. You can give it another try, or you can move on to the next book!

*completely personal opinion, and rather unpopular for what I know.


Ok_Ad_88 t1_j6p2jtm wrote

I’m absolutely loving it about 2/3 of the way through rn. If you’re having trouble I would try to find spoiler free character/setting descriptions online or in back of book


Comfortable-Gold-982 t1_j6p2lje wrote

I never figured out what I thought of this book. On the one hand, some characters were wonderful fun and I was absolutely intrigued. On the others, some chapters were lacklustre and I struggled to retain much from them. I found the pacing to be the most jarring thing about it. I don't think it's just you. It's not a terrible book and I can think of some friends I could lens it to in good conscience but it was nothing special either.


CrazyCatLady108 t1_j6pfk8j wrote

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