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My_Name_is_Galaxy t1_j6d89a2 wrote

This is my #2 favorite book, and I also gravitate toward re-reading favorites when life is stressful. Everything about the writing seems so natural - I recall telling a friend that The Wedding Bash chapter was like attending a family wedding as it (to me at least) captured just how people behave and talk at a wedding or big family event, and I consider the passage in the labyrinth one of the most beautifully written scenes ever.

I’m also just a few years younger than the Holly character, and the last episode makes me wonder about the future and hope that it will be less bleak.


ackthisisamess OP t1_j6gk7x6 wrote

The part with the apple got me in particular. I personally loved any chapter from Holly's point of view as I just love her character. Same with Marinus. And I love the last chapter for including Mo :)