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metalwrist t1_j6fb0rh wrote

I love David Mitchell. The little interconnections between the books are such small things that make such a difference to me, and that can make re-reads so gratifying.

I recently re-read Black Swan Green which I think is one of the most underrated and least talked about coming of age novels, and it held up so well.

On the back of this post i think I might re-read Ghostwritten along with you.


ackthisisamess OP t1_j6giiz3 wrote

Yes I love how he connects those things!! Its so satisfying when you recognize a reference and when you re-read a book and notice little things you missed before.

I personally didn't enjoy that book much, but maybe I'll try it again. I struggled to focus on it a bit and I read for escapism so I do enjoy some more magical elements. It definitely speaks more to me as a reader than the book itself, I just struggle with focus issues. It was very well-written in my opinion!

Please join me with the re-read (if you want, no pressure of course haha)!