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TeamTurnus t1_j6b744m wrote

Love it. It's a book about a messed up kid (from things like his brother recently dying of luekema, going to a boarding school where students are bullied to suicide (one he witnessed)) and nobody really seems to he there to help him with any of this, so he fantasized about helping keep other kids from experiencing the same as a maladaptive coping mechanism. But this window into this kids head, and how he tries to and (imo) begins to process his experience and begin to accept them, are super compelling to me. Folks who call him an annoying kid either were probably forced to read it while they were also an 'annoying' child or they're just unwilling or unable to empathize with this poor kid and just see the immature (after all he's 16) coping mechanisms and reactions to the society he lived in.