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Thornescape t1_j6b10n9 wrote

Personally, I read my ebooks on my phone. I prefer the smaller screen size for one handed reading. It's also cheaper because I don't need another device, plus I usually have my phone with me so I always have my books.

One thing that you might want to test is to see if the ads disappear if you turn off wifi. That's how many other ad supported apps work, and it changes the question a bit. There are certain apps that won't even work on my cheap phone if I have wifi on because the ads consume too much processing power.

There are a few select apps that I have paid money for. I've probably bought 6 in the past decade, for something like $2-5 each. That's remarkably cheap, all things considered. I haven't regretted any of them. Sometimes it's worth paying to get rid of the ads if you take that perspective.


Deaf_Witch t1_j6b31ax wrote

> I prefer the smaller screen size for one handed reading.

The paperwhite only has a screen size of 6.8". It's basically the size of a paperback. Real easy to hold one handed. Battery lasts a hell of a lot longer, and the later versions are water proof, so you can read in the tub/shower/pool/rain. Best part is you don't have to worry about light hitting the screen; that just makes it easier to read instead of having a glare.

I used to read primarily on my phone, until I fooled around with a friends paperwhite. 6 months later bought my own.


Thornescape t1_j6buyq4 wrote

I am not saying anything at all negative about the Paperwhite. I have great respect for eReaders. It's simply a different experience using your phone.

I started reading on a 7" tablet. I found that I preferred my small smartphone. Everyone prefers different things. It's good to find out what you prefer. I'm glad you found your device!