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Bubbagumpredditor t1_j6oslha wrote

Love.them. they allow me to read while doing other things,like driving or cleaning or boringnshitm


USS_Notajetski t1_j6otf08 wrote

I have not bought a physical book in years. Road Trip - book, working on a hobby - book, working out - book, you get the idea.


liaeli_ t1_j6otn79 wrote

I really like them and whilst I do have to skip back due to wandering thoughts sometimes, I retain information better than just reading. It's an easy way to pass time doing small tasks and, with the right narrator, they can be such an immersive experience. Also, sometimes I'll listen to a book and then read it after since it helps with comprehension. But idk anyone else who has the time for that. If you're struggling with feeling like you didn't complete it, and if its possible for you, I'd recommend reading the last chapter or two of the book to see if that helps combat it?


Complex_Meringue9954 t1_j6ospj7 wrote

I love them for non-fiction, and retain information better than I do with regular books. With fiction I struggle to keep track of the story.


Thornescape t1_j6ox9tf wrote

Audiobooks are books. I think that's important to state first. Some people want to be snobby about it, but they are still books. It's a different way to experience them, but they still "count".

Audiobooks suit some people extremely well. They suit other people not at all. Personal preference matters. The best time for audiobooks is probably long drives, but there are other times when they are good as well. Reading a paperback while driving would be a horrible idea.

Audiobooks are also fantastic for certain people with disabilities, eg visual problems or possibly severe dyslexia or something (I'm not an expert in those things, but hopefully you get the basic concept). If you're in a full body cast, you might have trouble turning pages.

I do not like listening to audiobooks myself. (They annoy me.) However, I'm glad that they exist and I think that people need to respect the people who experience their books via audiobook format. It expands the world of reading to more people. It adds more options. That's fantastic.


Apple22Over7 t1_j6p9xmm wrote

Yes, this. Audiobooks are definitely not for me personally, but that's just me. If other people use and enjoy audiobooks, then that's great! It has no bearing on my own reading, it really doesn't matter to me one jot. And more people reading is always better, regardless of the format.


ConcernedMoralist t1_j6oxeoe wrote

I use audiobooks sometimes. They have a time and a place, especially once I get tired of my workout playlists. Long drives are another great place for them.

But my retention is much worse, so I'm mostly listening to stories with simple sentence structure, simple arcs, and high quality narrators.

Anything I really wanna enjoy and savor I read though.

I feel like there's a crowd that listens to audiobooks as basically background noise (which affects their retention and ability to actually enjoy the text) that seem to be very obsessed with how many books they read in X amount of time. I don't enjoy that part of the bookish subreddits, otherwise it's just a different medium to experience books in.


shemague t1_j6owyxs wrote

I wish but I zone out and don’t pay attention. I give up


Trick-Two497 t1_j6oyv8u wrote

I love them. I'm old enough that anything that isn't backlit I can't read anymore. And I'm on screens all day at work, so my eyes get tired of that as well. I like to read at bedtime, and they say not to be on screens during that time as well. So audiobooks it is. It took me a while to get used to them, but now I love them. If you find a good narrator, it's such a great experience.


OneLongjumping4022 t1_j6os39u wrote

Straight info, yes. Anything I want to delve into, to appreciate - book.


LizzyWednesday t1_j6p3gye wrote

When I was very young, I really loved audiobooks because I loved being read to - even though I could read very well on my own. I used to check out books on tape from the library on the regular until we stopped going to the library as frequently - I didn't grow up in a walkable town (although I did walk everywhere!) so I struggled to get places, even for school.

My 12-year-old LOVES audiobooks, but she also reads graphic novels and text novels. I think it's good to switch up the format every now and again; nothing's off-limits.

I have plenty of friends who also love audiobooks, but I'm hesitant to try again - I tend to tune out spoken word, and I feel like that gives audiobooks short shrift.


Brizoot t1_j6p55c7 wrote

I think reading can't be divorced from the written text and that it is not possible to read an audio book.


MrsQute t1_j6p6fpy wrote

I adore them! I still read some things in print but by and large I'm nearly all audiobooks these days. I'm fortunate that where I live I have access to 3 different library systems with an extensive audiobook collection and while I do have Audible I save that strictly for things I can't get thru the library.

I don't have the time to just sit down and read but I can listen while I cook, run errands, do menial non-thinking tasks at work.


GFVeggie t1_j6p7q0h wrote

As a mature woman (74) I find audiobooks the same as reading. I like fiction stories. Often there are a number of characters. Keeping them straight is a bit harder in Audio than print form because it is a bit harder to go back and double check.

I have read that following action and characters in books is good brain exercise.

Since I am often knitting while I listen to a book it adds a bit of a challenge, but I want to keep my brain working well


shrugaholic t1_j6p8nhg wrote

College took out the love of reading in me. For my 2022 reading challenge I had a goal of five books. I only read two. I was so upset over this during winter break. Reading was my first hobby and I don’t want to watch it die. I finally downloaded the Libby app on my phone and started audiobooks. So far I’ve finished three books this year and am on my fourth.


greenhouse5 t1_j6pb1iz wrote

Love them. I can listen while doing things that aren’t interesting and the time flies by


MorriganJade t1_j6pe4zx wrote

I love audiobooks, some of them are read so beautifully and it's such a fun activity while walking. I only use them to reread though, I prefer to read with my eyes first


CrazyCatLady108 t1_j6pfcwy wrote

Hi there. This subject has been very popular in the past. Please use reddit search and/or check the /r/books/wiki/faq.