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AchillesNtortus t1_j69bh61 wrote

I spent some time in Saudi Arabia. It was quite usual to find two men walking around holding hands. Homosexually is a crime there and this didn't raise any eyebrows. A man and a woman on the other hand...


tkeRe1337 t1_j69yjz4 wrote

Ya its the same in China, they also walk holding hands. I asked my chinese friend if there were a lot of gay dudes there. He said no one is gay in China haha


grawlyx t1_j6eqypb wrote

Well that's just a fact, everyone knows that


tristenjpl t1_j6bkock wrote

Yeah that's because in those types of places, gay people hide their identities so no one thinks anything of two dudes holding hands or hugging. But as gay people get slightly more accepted and open with things people don't want to be labeled as gay.


Merle8888 t1_j6bw7ht wrote

I think it’s not only not wanting to be labeled, but recategorizing the meaning of the behavior in general. Even if you live in a liberal area and nobody would think less of you for it, you maybe don’t want to give a false impression about yourself/your friendships—least of all to your friends who now might worry you’re coming on to them or crossing boundaries if you try to hold hands or something!


tristenjpl t1_j6c0r5j wrote

Yeah they kind of go hand in hand together (lol).