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Drag0nfly_Girl t1_j69fwdo wrote

Yes, I understand all that. My point wasn't that the words existed, or that it was considered an identity, because obviously it was not. But it was well understood that certain men and women were "queer" and preferred sexual intimacy with their own sex. It was considered a perversion.


alaskawolfjoe t1_j69p7of wrote

But it wasn’t understood as an orientation. It is like today we might describe someone as a thief or an teacher. We do that as a description of behavior. And we might find that behavior abhorrent or admirable.

But we don’t consider it as someone’s orientation. Or even part of their Personality. We are just describing behavior that any human being is capable of.

So just like today you can look at something in someone’s house and say I’d love to swipe that, without being considered part of the thief orientation, one could Be more sensual in one’s appreciation of another person of the same gender, without being considered part of a homosexual class.

You mention the word "queer" but the first recorded use to describe sexuality was not until 1894--and even there is it not clear that sexuality was was being referenced or if we are reading a later use of the word into an earlier reference.

Even "heterosexuality" was defined as an abnormal attraction to people of the opposite sex up until the 1920s. So what we think we are reading is not always what we are actually reading.

It gets more confusing in a Homosocial world, Where the majority of one’s emotional attachments are to people of the same gender.


AFriendofOrder t1_j6asxpu wrote

>Even "heterosexuality" was defined as an abnormal attraction to people of the opposite sex up until the 1920s

That's very interesting. Would you have any reccos for books on the history of terminology relating to sexuality, orientation, etc.?


alaskawolfjoe t1_j6cx7ui wrote

It has been awhile since I did research on this so it is a bit of a blur, but in the 90s and 00s a lot of books came out on gay history and gay people in the 19th century. They all will discuss this.