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GuyMcGarnicle t1_j63qjr4 wrote

I totally agree with this, especially when it comes to thrillers. Personally I think Verity’s letter was a self-serving lie. But it still requires she faked her injury which on its face I find totally unbelievable. If Hoover had taken maybe 100 more pages, she could have made it believable by having the nurse involved in the deception, or possibly Jeremy, or incorporated a supernatural element like a horror novel. By the time the end hit, I had already forgiven several other issues cuz I was enjoying the book, such as … in NYC, seeing a pedestrian hit is actually rare; I don’t believe a child with a peanut allergy and an epi-pen at a slumber party with adults/parents present would just die as depicted; and “Asperger’s” is no longer an actual medical diagnosis, which a parent of a child who has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder would know. All those things are forgivable … but then the end was just too over the top and it totally took me out of the story.