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Temporary-Koala-8940 t1_j6o19w7 wrote

I suppose, I am not the only one, who'd rather not spend time, trying to decide how to decide whether this good book is better than that other good book and if do, how much.

I have ranked light novels a 5. Let's admit the writing isn't great. There are 5star books, that are much better written. But if I return to those simple books again and again, they deserve a five as much as this well written book with great prose and depth of character, that I may reread in a year. If my backlog allows.

In the end rankings on amazon or goodread are personal opinions.

P.s. I was referring to "Restaurant to another World " and "The Hands of the Emperor ". Both 5s. One for the sheer joy and comfort the books bring, the other for it's beauty, scope and hidden depth.