Submitted by konrad1198 t3_10pznlo in books

I am a philosophy/theology major, which means I have to do a lot of reading because the classes I partake in are largely discussion-based and not simply lecture.

However, when I have to sit for an extended period of time and read, I find myself getting a bit anxious and restless, wanting to move and feeling "lazy" for sitting so long. I was thinking of walking and getting some steps in while doing my reading on a treadmill at my house. Outside walking was also considered, but I feel it'd be weird/dangerous just walking around with my head down in papers/my iPad. Anyone else manage to multi-task like this? Is it more helpful or more distracting?



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anniegetyourgum t1_j6n871m wrote

I read while walking on the treadmill, keeping the speed set pretty slow. I also read while walking outside when the weather is good at a track nearby. I take a lap around before starting to read to see if there’s anything to watch out for since it’s a dirt track that’s not always maintained well. I find that a lot of the time, I end up reading more than if I’m sitting. I’m on autopilot for the walking after a minute or two and then my focus is all on the book.


konrad1198 OP t1_j6ndgeg wrote

That's what I feel like would happen, if I'm just sitting and reading I tend to get distracted by any noise/thought

When I'm walking, it's almost as if I have to focus a bit more initially, but then go into a routine of one step after the other, while at the same time not be distracted by everything


tvp61196 t1_j6n27ce wrote

Audiobooks are great for outside walking, as you're free to use your eyes. Would also be great for a treadmill, but I'm sure you could read on a stationary bike just fine.


Diresteaks t1_j6n52yz wrote

I tried it for the first time last night! Was only going to power walk at the highest incline for 30 minutes but got so into my book that I just brought the incline down and power walked for another 30 minutes. It’s a bit hard to focus when your heart rate gets up, but if you are walking leisurely I don’t think it will be difficult. Definitely made light cardio more bearable though.


konrad1198 OP t1_j6n66dn wrote

Yes I don't plan on it being strenuous by any means, just a way to not feel so stagnant if that makes sense


chummybuckett t1_j6ntle9 wrote

There's a reason people tend to pace while talking on the phone. I believe that there's a connection between kinetic movement and our ability to focus and think. I certainly feel that way for myself. Listening to audiobooks while I walk my dog has been a great way for me to be able to enjoy more "reading" during my day.
That being said, I would definitely advise against reading a paper book/ipad while walking outside, only because I'd be worried for your safety! But the treadmill on a walking speed sounds like a decent idea.


konrad1198 OP t1_j6nu4s9 wrote

Yup agreed! As I said in my post, it could definitely be weird (this guys reading while walking??) or dangerous (look out- person, dog, car, stop sign)


Dusty_Chapel t1_j6n1lsj wrote

I’m not quite daring enough to read on the treadmill, but recently I started reading on the spin bike.

I usually end my workout with a cardio session, but I was getting bored to tears while doing my runs so I started reading + cycling instead. I’ve found it so much more enjoyable and productive, and now I wish I started doing it sooner. But if you’ll only be walking I don’t see a problem with the treadmill - I really wouldn’t recommend running + reading (for obvious reasons).


konrad1198 OP t1_j6n62ub wrote

Yes I do run as my main form of exercise, but obviously apart from reading. I just don't like sitting for extended periods of time, maybe it's something I need to work on


MaoFeipang t1_j6ogzgf wrote

I pace and read as my natural reading habit - just maybe 10 steps or so one way and then amble back the other way for as long as I read. It's not a concerted effort thing, just casual walking. To answer your q: it's helpful. Also can't sit and read

As far as the treadmill, though, one time in highschool dropped a textbook and actually reached down between my feet to grab it (because dumb) and did a full-ass somersault off the back of the treadmill in the middle of a gym - so as long as you supress the urge to grab a book you might drop, think you should be fine. Haha


Merle8888 t1_j6ohyru wrote

I’ve definitely read while walking on the treadmill, pacing in the house and walking outside. Really not that difficult as long as you’re able to multitask okay. I wouldn’t be too worried about reading while walking outside as long as you aren’t in an area with lots of cars or crime etc.—on a walking path or a quiet residential area it’s just fine! I’ve seen other folks do it too.