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TormundIceBreaker t1_j6nwgtq wrote

It took me a long time to finish Leviathan Falls, which is the final book in The Expanse series. I'd spent 10 years with these four characters and it was difficult to process that their journeys were coming to an end. That I wouldn't get to spend more time among them on any new adventures, but that's one of the signs of a remarkable book/series


Kousaroe OP t1_j6nwuzm wrote

How did you feel when it was finally over?


TormundIceBreaker t1_j6nxloe wrote

Bittersweet for sure. Extremely satisfied with how the authors wrapped up the series but like I mentioned above, it was hard to say goodbye to all those great characters


Kousaroe OP t1_j6nzw81 wrote

I'm feeling that. It's like saying goodbye to a close friend...