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thechosenronin t1_j66cpyg wrote

EDIT: wrong story nevermind 😵😵😵


jimmbolina t1_j66dccv wrote

Did you read the same book? It's not sonatas. It's pop. Are you thinking of Alex in A Clockwork Orange?


thechosenronin t1_j66fbmg wrote

Agh no I just misremembered lol. My analysis is null and void.

I was going to say though in a world of brand names and materialism, music is one of the only truly genuine things seems like killing and listening to music are the only things that make him feel truly alive.

Psychopathic as he is, he's unable to derive meaning and fufillment from benevolent or altruistic activites.


ChairmanUzamaoki OP t1_j66g3lg wrote

> Because if his actions had a soundtrack, it would not be Mozart.

Funny you say that, cause when I hear Mozart I think of Hannibal murdering and eating people 🤣 but I know he is a totally different type of killer than Bateman