Submitted by blabbouther t3_10qch43 in books

So for the past two years I’ve walked into bookstores and seen wall to wall Colleen Hoover. I’ve been so curious about her writing because clearly she’s incredibly successful. A week ago I noticed my girlfriend reading one of her books and I asked if I could read it when she was finished. I’m about half way through and I opened the book expecting to hate it but in reality my feelings are much more complicated. In terms of literature, I would say it’s…bad? Her diction and syntax are so basic it makes me feel like I’m reading at a pre-teen level despite the mature content in the book. Her metaphors are heavy-handed, her plot devices are cliché. That being said, why the hell am I so wrapped up in this story? I have no problem putting a book down if I don’t like it and this one (It Ends With Us) I can’t stop reading. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it basically the book equivalent of brain candy? Or am I just a pretentious snob that’s lost touch with what the root of a good book is?



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caitiep92 t1_j6p716h wrote

Personally, I don’t like her books. In most part because of the writing, to me the basics of make it poorly written—it’s like Hoover wasn’t trying very hard. The actual plots would be fine if she wasn’t throwing trauma at the audience left and right.

However, I understand why people like them: they’re easy and you don’t have to think about what they’re reading. Which is fine, I do this myself. But my pleasure reading are things that are, in my opinion, just better.


yokai__ t1_j6p8402 wrote

I read Verity and was physically wincing from embarrassment. But, like a car crash, I couldn't look away from it.


TheMudbloodSlytherin t1_j6pgi5p wrote

That’s the only book I’ve ever read that made not want to read anything else by the author.


bookishnatasha89 t1_j6p6s9n wrote

I was the same with It Ends With Us. I didn't like it but couldn't put it down. I hate Lyle and really wanted to give the main character a good shake


HoneyBolt91 t1_j6p95gk wrote

I read Verity and liked it, but I've abandoned just about every other book by her that I've tried to read.


Elegant-Balance3006 t1_j6p7r8j wrote

I’ve only read one Colleen Hoover book (Layla) and I felt the same. It was very gripping despite not being anything special in terms of stylistic writing or unique plot/characters. Morally, the book was questionable, which I thought was interesting at the time, although now I find it a bit repulsive given what I’ve heard about some of her other books.

Mostly, I have to admit that she knows how to write an engaging story, and I personally think that’s how she’s so popular.


-layken- t1_j6p779h wrote

The first and only book I completely read from her was Slammed and I was like 12. The experience was exactly what you described when I re-read it later in life, but I absolutely adored this book (layken has been my online name ever since). I have tried to read other stuff from her. It’s all like you described (But I just can’t read it anymore, Slammed is too special for me)


An-Okay-Alternative t1_j6pcxqr wrote

It's the same with any author featured wall to wall of a bookstore.


plantnativemilkweed t1_j6pha1h wrote

I am so glad I saw this post. I am a huge reader of books and also listen to lots of audiobooks. I am always looking for audiobooks to listen to when I go jogging. I had never heard of Colleen Hoover and I saw this audiobook Verity by her that had thousands of amazing 5 star reviews. I could not believe how awful it was in so many ways. I could not finish this book it was so ridiculous. Even though it was supposed to be a thriller- I had no interest in even finding out how it ended.

I was curious how this book could be so popular, so I looked up the author. Turns out she was a YA writer and also wrote romance books. I have never read a romance book in my life (I'm 67) and have no interest in them.


95BCavMP t1_j6pcmnf wrote

I’ve never even heard of her but after seeing these comments is that something I should take pride in?
