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surfergrl89 t1_j5gttya wrote

Which books of her are “the good stuff”? It Girl is my first book. I like how well written it is, but, like you, could give less of a shit for the two dislikable lead characters.


BORGQUEEN177 t1_j5gw8c2 wrote

I didn’t mind the Death of Mrs. Westaway. There’s another one that I can’t think of the title. I find when your characters are so shallow it’s hard to be invested. Hannah was just nothing but a wet Kleenex. Overall, she is not an author I seek out. I see her as an author to read on a plane and, and then leave the book in the airport for someone else. This one was recommended to me and I won’t be taking that friend’s recommendations any more.

I think I’m pretty much over the lead character being a female who doesn’t have her shit together or never grows as a person. Probably just me.


surfergrl89 t1_j5ijgg3 wrote

Totally same. I’m over the trope of female character who doesn’t have her shit together, and even more over the wayyyy overused trope of murdered popular female character who was a bitch to everyone and totally deserved to die, but post modern feminist lit begs you to think otherwise. This character archetype has exhausted my empathy.


wenamedthecatindiana t1_j5guzvo wrote

Not the OP but my favorites by her are the Turn of the Key and the Death of Mrs Westaway.