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OwlFeather21 t1_j6b4sbw wrote

Yeah, I read the first few books but then honestly kind of lost interest :(


Thesacred_texts t1_j6b5wvm wrote

I didn't see that you mentioned it in the original post lol I'm sorry.

Hmm maybe His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman? Or something like The Witcher saga by Sapkowski? I know I'm recommending stuff that comes from TV shows but don't let the adaptations fool you 😊


OwlFeather21 t1_j6b6cvy wrote

Lol no worries. I did read the first Witcher book, I don't remember why I didn't continue. I'll look into His Dark Materials. Thanks for the suggestions!


Sploosh_Mcgoo t1_j6buysh wrote

I loved the games, and the Netflix series. But the Witcher books man, I read the first one and for me it was just slog. The wiring style was just hard to get into. I didn't continue either