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[deleted] t1_j67rqfm wrote



Datamat0410 OP t1_j67tf4l wrote

I guess it's just such a deeply shameful subject. How could we even imagine that America, the so called land of justice and democracy, have been the genesis of fascist and racist ideology, mixed with eugenics and feeding/fueling the anti semitic movements ramping up in Europe in particular in the early 20th century.

I didn't even realise that eugenics in America was a thing that had anything to do with the Nazis until recently, or about the extent of sterilisation programs going on. I don't believe this stuff is actually known by younger people in particular, and that's not too good.

It means as far as I see it, that we are trying to whitewash this particular area, at least in a mild sense:

'The idea that western allies of WW2 are completely innocent of having any connection with the ultimate genocide of entire peoples as finally enacted to terrifying efficiency by the NAZI regime'.

Yes. The information is available, but only if one seeks it out. It's not tought to masses, in any deeper sense as far as I see it. Perhaps this is just 'too much' and even unnecessary to know. It is a sad and as another poster says, it can be seen as 'offensive' to even talk about in any way. And I understand.

Today, we don't blame modern Germany for the crimes of their recent past. That would be stupid and it would be pointless and it would not allow for all of us in the world to move on towards a better future. We have to acknowledge our own pasts even if it's terribly painful. That's surely the way to avoid history repeating again. If we look at history it DOES repeat in roundabout ways. We today more than even have a lot more means to understand history and stop it from repeating.

Anyway, let's just keep educating and learning. It's the only thing we can do.


Secretlyasecret t1_j67y4g4 wrote

Yeah most people are taught the allies were the good guys who beat evil in WW2 but they were all up to their own nefarious shit. Look up the Bengal famine for one. When it was convenient for the allies they didn't even punish the people responsible for the atrocities of WW2 like with operation paperclip and also high up intelligence officials because they were too valuable to the allies.

Let's not forget that black veterans were often sidelined on return to the US and sodomy was still illegal in the UK post WW2 driving top codebreaker and father of computing Alan Turing to suicide

Was it good they won? Yes of course, are they moral paragons? Far from it. History is written by the victors