Submitted by Comfortable-Salt3132 t3_10ic64h in books

I just finished reading this, and had to force myself to not make it a DNF. I kept wondering when it was going to become such a marvelous book, which is why I continued reading it. I know the majority of readers loved it, but I thought it was rambling and slow. I also wasn't satisfied with the ending, although I can't really say why. It just left me feeling as though it was incomplete.

It may be that my ADD played a role in my reaction to the book. I really feel as though it could give the same characterisations and atmosphere with about 100 fewer pages.

Having said all that, I think the concept was unique and had a lot of potential. I just didn't care for the execution.



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puzzleslayer625 t1_j5drmpc wrote

I have read this book three or four times. I love the pace and the detail and can’t imagine it being any shorter. I felt the same about her other books. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Comfortable-Salt3132 OP t1_j5f602j wrote

I'm truly glad you enjoyed it. Just proves that everyone has different tastes in books, which is a good thing!


danellender t1_j5liskt wrote

I feel the same. I've read The Little Friend twice and will probably re-read it for the rest of my life. Because of the way it doesn't end. Knowing it was written that way on purpose just keeps me coming back.


hosenbundesliga t1_j5g2l0g wrote

Comfortable-salt I’m with you - i love slow and rambling - this book however i felt was trying way too hard, i dunno how to describe it - it didn‘t feel authentic i guess


Comfortable-Salt3132 OP t1_j5g4jqs wrote

I think that's a good description of it. Thank you for identifying my issue with it.


Warthogdreaming t1_j5dn95r wrote

It is acknowledged as a beautifully written book. If it is not to your taste, just read something else.


Comfortable-Salt3132 OP t1_j5f4uvq wrote

I know that it is acknowledged as a beautifully written book. I am allowed to disagree with that opinion, even if I am the only one who does. And I am allowed to finish a book I don't think I care for to see if I change my mind. I will definitely read something else, and I will be making up my own mind as to whether I agree with the critics on that one also. And possibly posting on this site about my opinion.


miss_scarlet_letter t1_j5dpfzj wrote

ironically, it's the one book by her I've really enjoyed. the two others I've tried I ended up DNFing bc I was so bored.


Comfortable-Salt3132 OP t1_j5f5hxn wrote

Thank you. I had considered reading another of hers just to test if I'm missing something. Now I'll skip those.


nzfriend33 t1_j5gz5oc wrote

Yep. I really didn’t like it and do not get the hype at all. 🤷‍♀️


LabExpensive4764 t1_j5eti7k wrote

I thought the first half was much stronger than the second. The whole chapter at Bunny's family's house seemed to drag on forever. The entire book was a lot of 'this person knocked on my door intoxicated and we talked about ______'.


MediumChill2018 t1_j5dpmxk wrote

Well, this hits home. Been stuck at about 3/5 of the book for about a month. I had even bought the paper copy, since i had heard it was such a good book.

i will definitely finish it, since I paid for it, but so far it is quite muddy and slow. Also I do not love how the characters are developed.


Comfortable-Salt3132 OP t1_j5f5r6m wrote

That was my experience with the book, also. I buy most of the books I read (from a charity resale shop), so I rarely DNF one.


coloradogirlcallie t1_j5eux7f wrote

I agree although I did manage to finish it. I found it to be repetitive and thought it could have been much shorter as well.


Breadbp t1_j5f5xbw wrote

Slow rambling books are precisely what I look for


erikal26826 t1_j5hst6o wrote

I think it really depends on what you're into. If you're more interested in character studies than there's a greater chance of you liking The Secret History.


moonlight995 t1_j5i4aju wrote

I’ve never understood when people say the Secret History is slow. I found it to be a steady pace and consistent interesting.

The Goldfinch, on the other hand…. That one I put down and never picked back up


weird5cience t1_j5igv4q wrote

I just finished reading it for the first time this weekend and was similarly disappointed! Agreed that it had so much potential but didn't love the execution. I struggled through the first 100 pages, devoured the next 300, then again struggled through the last 150. I thought the slow/rambling style worked for setting the mood and adding suspense as >!everyone's paranoia increased after Bunny's death!< but I was really unsatisfied with where it headed -- >!random incest? Richard is a creep for Camilla and Camilla loves Henry? Julian just disappearing?!< -- so I found my eyes starting to glaze over on the 100th description of fog and payphones and cigarettes waiting for it to end already.


xXDestinyX t1_j5e8cvz wrote

I haven't read this book yet,i have heard that it's one of the best classic books and it was also in the list of the best literature books of all time that's why i plan to buy it but i have seen a review saying that the start is slow and that they don't get the hype but then it is amazing and also many people have said that they took months to finish the book(not because they were busy)but they couldn't get into it and keep up with the book that's why i still haven't bought it but i hope your experience will be better with some other classics there are many incredible books out there


Comfortable-Salt3132 OP t1_j5f5b1o wrote

Thank you. I read voraciously, and there have been many classics that I absolutely adore. But that's part of the fun of reading - making up your own mind about the books!


reality__auditor t1_j5k2p1m wrote

I loved this book! I thought the first half was wayyy more easy to read then the second half. The second half had an odd, slow pace.