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Ihadsumthin4this t1_j5qk95j wrote

Truly, one of the funniest books I've ever read (four times cover to cover, no less) is technically 'a novel', but for its most part reads like an autobio. This, coming from an almost entirely nonfiction kinda reader.

John Kenney was a copywriter in a NY ad agency for something like a decade-plus, as well as having contributed to The New Yorker magazine some smart-humored content to boot.

Turns out, his Truth In Advertising (released 2013?) is a terrific three-night read loaded with heartfelt legitimacy, snark-filled approaches in thought and dialogue, plus it effuses a most pleasant feel of pacing.

In fact, he himself cameos for a few seconds in the book's little three-minute intro over on y.t. titled (keywords) Focus Group Truth In Advertising John Kenney.

Hope you find it as engaging as I do!