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badideas1 t1_j6dasbx wrote

I really enjoyed the first book, but i had a lot of trouble getting through the next two. For me the pacing just got thrown all out of whack. The baroque cycle is where I mark Stephensons’ work as getting too meandering for me. I’ve enjoyed some of his books after it, but that’s kind of the line I draw between the tightly paced works and the self indulgently paced works.


chefblaze OP t1_j6dgbxx wrote

Too much meandering and drawn-out, dry explanations/descriptions is one of the things is one of the possible setback I was thinking about. At least over such a long series.


mediadavid t1_j6dnnvk wrote

Perhaps read Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson as a gauge. It's about some of the same subjects, and in a similar style, but only one single book and a bit tighter plot wise than the baroque cycle. If you love Cryptonomicon go ahead and read the baroque cycle.


chefblaze OP t1_j6eq38m wrote

Thanks! Seems to be a common suggestion. I’ll check the local library for it!


bad_grahamar t1_j6dr9lh wrote

Just go for it. Will it always be easy? No. But I think you will glad you did. Also, each book is actually 3 books so could easily take breaks to read other things.


chefblaze OP t1_j6eqj8a wrote

I actually like that they are combined. I prefer being able to “binge read” a series as opposed to having to read other stuff while waiting for the next book to come out (if they aren’t all available)