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Violet2393 t1_j5ipnkx wrote

Don't worry about the number of books you read. The number is less important than what you got from those books. Personally, I try not to focus too much on how many books I read, because I find that encourages me to stay away from books that are slower or take longer, and those are usually my favorites at the end of the year.

Just like everything else, social media has turned reading into something where you compare yourself to some "ideal" of a reader. There's no such thing. The most important and valuable thing about reading is the relationship you build between yourself and the book.


Agitated-Aardvark-55 t1_j5kx5gl wrote

I set a goal one year of the number of books I wanted to read. Problem is, I like to read long books and I struggled to meet my goal. I’m not going to do that again.


mmillington t1_j5l7xwn wrote

When I read something long, like 700+, I plan to take a whole month to read it.

Though I usually finish early, it’s so nice to dedicate a whole month of reading to one book.