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MaddyKet t1_j9qrlkf wrote

Yeah, I agree. I voted for Baker, but once he was done it’s Democrat all the way. I wouldn’t even vote for Baker for Congress because no way I’m sending another Republican to Washington, even if he was a moderate here.


shameonyounancydrew t1_j9r9zbf wrote

Yeah I still couldn’t bring myself to vote R with Baker. Even when he was re-elected, I think I went for the Green candidate (because the D candidate was so unbelievably awful. I’m don’t even remember his name)


f0rtytw0 t1_j9sgr7z wrote

Yeah, I wasn't against Baker, just the crowd he decided to stand with. If he went/goes independent then way less issues casting a vote for him.

He could totally do that in this state, and I am sure he would have more backing in both votes and monetarily than the GOP here. It would also keep the democrats on their toes.