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Middle-Example6618 t1_j8ok8i9 wrote

I mean, raising the prices of those area residential properties because of new local development is called appreciating intergenerational wealth, from another perspective.


SuckMyAssmar t1_j8ola7p wrote

I disagree because those that have been living there for, say, 20 years get priced out. Their landlord sees an opportunity to make more money and increases the rent accordingly. Where are these individuals to go?


3720-To-One t1_j8omm4f wrote

And what do you think happens when you don’t build more housing?

They still get priced out.

Unless you plan on keeping a neighborhood intentionally shitty so that nobody wants to live there.


SuckMyAssmar t1_j8ovshw wrote

Then why can’t affordable housing be built? The developers can receive subsidies or tax breaks or whatever.


3720-To-One t1_j8ow60m wrote

So who entitles someone to live in a neighborhood?

Just how long does one need to live in a neighborhood before they are entitled to live somewhere?


Middle-Example6618 t1_j8pf68c wrote

>I disagree because those that have been living there for, say, 20 years get priced out.

no, they get PAID OUT when they move.

You can only redeveloped after someone SELLS and then VACATES, riiiight?

Quick , move the goalpost again!


SuckMyAssmar t1_j8pngll wrote

What? Many long-term residents in these areas are RENTERS.