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SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p00ce wrote

Reply to comment by Bizurke87 in Gentrification by [deleted]

On your last paragraph: Can you please elaborate on gentrification creating jobs and easing traffic?

I think that there would not be a change in traffic, or there may potentially be a slight uptick in tradfic. My thinking is that if the new residents use the T, that is the same as the now-displaced residents using the T so net zero change. I am also thinking that wealthy individuals moving in will want to bring their car(s), which can lead to an uptick in traffic if they use it any more frequently than “rarely.”

For jobs, my thinking is that there would be a net zero difference in jobs even as new shops open up.

Again, this is based on my thinking. I would love to hear your thoughts.


TorvaldUtney t1_j8pddlt wrote

Gentrification = money. Both inherent and disposable in that area. Case study: Southie. When I was younger southie was mostly known for murder and being on fire. Now, not so much at all.


SuckMyAssmar t1_j8pna33 wrote

Did you reply to the wrong comment?


TorvaldUtney t1_j8prmw4 wrote

Elaboration on creating jobs, thought that was an easy connection that more money lends itself to more jobs in the area, as fires and murder do not.