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-Anarresti- t1_j8p0ba4 wrote

We should do a few things, some of which that will certainly never, ever happen in any political environment even half-resembling what we currently have:

  1. Take zoning regulations away from localities and then overhaul and streamline them at the state level. All the usual suggestions of eliminating single-family-only zoning, parking minimums, minimum setbacks, along with a plethora of others can be tossed in here. Take away (most) opportunities for community input in regards to what developers can do on the properties that they own. This is going to result in a lot of new market rate housing.

  2. Yes, do a little bit of rent control. Do it in ways that don't neuter the private market.

  3. Implement a land-value tax so that the parking lot owners and the slumlords and single-family home owners will start to sell their lots in denser areas and those near to transit. This is unlikely to happen.

  4. Make improvements to transit, both small ones like much better and more frequent busses and larger ones like electrified regional rail. This will reduce the crushing demand that surrounds our limited areas with great transit accessibility.

  5. Get Congress to repeal the Faircloth amendment and pass laws that give hundreds of billions of dollars to states that construct and manage high-quality mixed-income public housing of all densities and sizes. Charge both market rate and below-market rate rents on a lottery system. After the government has recouped their investment rents should be set in a way that merely maintains the building and pays off any debts. This will never happen.

We live in a capitalist system so displacement is inevitable, whether you build or not, unfortunately. However I think that the world I pictured above would be a better one for displaced people and the rest of us.


SuckMyAssmar t1_j8p1kvz wrote

Thank you for your detailed response!! I appreciate you. I am going to educate myself on that amendment.


-Anarresti- t1_j8p28co wrote

No problem. Some good discussions along these lines happens over at /r/left_urbanism!


DanieXJ t1_j8po647 wrote

Ah, yes, let the state, who can't keep the trains running, or not have massive Statie fraud problems, make the same regulations for every city and town, whether it's Pittsfield or Boston.

Where oh where could that go wrong?

Maybe we could go full on Russian concrete monstrosities from the harbor to the western state line. That'd solve the housing problem easy right? Ooh, maybe have the state own alllll the land, that'd work right? I mean, with your idea, fuck what the owner of the land they bought wants right?

The STATE knows all and will provide all /s