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superkt3 t1_j8q8pyz wrote

My god as a 5th generation resident of Chelsea point #2 really pisses me off and further reinforces the fact you haven’t been here and have no idea what you’re talking about. The hardware store has been gone for decades. Market Basket has been in Chelsea for decades, and 10 years ago they invested millions into building a flagship location in the city, one of the biggest grocery stores on the east coast. They’re not going anywhere.


Rent and real estate are high, but the city is also vastly improved from what it was 30 years ago; politically corrupt, financially ruined, and suffering with outdated infrastructure. I could write a novel on the amount of effort that went into getting us from the 90’s to now, but suffice to say, we don’t want to go back. We have a hugely diverse set of businesses, but there are plenty of locals hitting Starbucks in the morning, and folks that are even more excited that we have two new independent coffee shops open in the city in the past year. We are fighting our way up. Please do not begrudge us these positive changes.


And hand in hand with all of these changes we have built and refurbished parks across the city, we have some of the most well established support organizations for those in need, and the city is constantly working to make sure it stays that way.


SuckMyAssmar t1_j8q9faq wrote

I never said that I live in Chelsea? I was giving examples of areas that are being gentrified and fellow Bostonians have re-educated me on #2

I shop at Market Basket and am thankful for it

Thank you for sharing your experience


superkt3 t1_j8qccul wrote

I didn’t say you lived in Chelsea. I said it was clear you have very little context on the changes that have taken place here and in the surrounding areas.