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Substantial-Sun-5206 t1_j8s02jr wrote

I had a job in Waltham about 10 years ago. If I didn't leave early enough, I would get caught in horrendous morning commute traffic. I started using Waze to avoid the worst of the traffic, but the result is that it would take me some strange routes I wasn't always familiar with. One morning, I ended up in a right-turn only lane at a light when I needed to go straight. I was first in line, so obviously a person behind me became irate. I gave him the finger and probably yelled back (I am a Masshole after all). He was screaming and honking at me so much that I decided to just make the turn and have Waze tell me how to fix it. But when I started driving the guy chased me! He followed really close behind me, turned every way I turned. I tried to speed up, took random turns, just to get away from him, but he stayed right on my ass. I actually started to get freaked out, and eventually pulled into a convenience store parking lot (guy pulled in next to me). I got out of my car (crying) and said, "What are you going to do, beat me up?!?" The guy was like, "no no, I saw that other guy get really angry with you, and I wanted to make sure you were okay..."

I knew it was bullshit. I knew that he saw that I was a young-ish woman in tears and was back-peddling. But I thanked him and left. Ugh. The situation ruined my day and it still haunts me.

I have lived in Boston proper, I have worked in Boston in multiple locations, and none of the drivers were as assholish as the ones I encountered in Waltham.