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Drunkelves t1_j8e2cp0 wrote

ooo edgy hot take. Sometimes narcing tax evaders is the adult thing to do. Plus hating outsiders is what we do. Stop being an outsider lover.


simpletongue t1_j8e3rjg wrote

If my neighbor did something else to piss me off, like run over my dog, and they also happened to have out of state plates, maybe I would report it. Reporting it on its own is just petty and a misguided use of energy. Get mad at billionaire tax evaders. Not middle class citizens.


Drunkelves t1_j8e7usp wrote

You can be mad at both. There's nothing petty about it. It's all tax evasion and theft. I'm starting to think you're one of these scofflaws I speak of.
