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itsonlyastrongbuzz t1_j9t8qhw wrote

Least known and probably the most powerful police force in the Commonwealth.

They train with/at the Mass State Police.

Generally you don’t see EP unless you’re having a really bad day and they come and help, or you’re doing something tremendously stupid/illegal and they’re going to make sure you have a bad day.


exitlevelposition t1_j9sdc7a wrote

Hard asses with the most jurisdiction in MA. That said they're a decent group. Had a lot of interactions when I ran a state campground for a few summers. Also a wide variety of assignments fro. Hunting and fishing regs., to boat safety, to teens drinking in a park.


becausefrog t1_j9tvlfx wrote

I once watched one do a stealth operation to catch people fishing on a lake without a permit.

He got there well before dawn, slipped his boat into the lake and hid in the shadow of a ledge among the reeds. He'd wait until a boat would get way out into the middle of the lake and get settled in. After they'd make a few casts and get real comfortable, he'd come tearing out like a bat out of hell and swoop down on them. Then he'd write them a citation and force them to leave. He even took one guy's boat!

Rinse and repeat. It was the most entertaining ending to an insomnia-plagued night I've ever had!


Codspear t1_j9wzocf wrote

I want to go back in time and smack the dipstick that decided to license fishing of all things.

If you give a man a fish, the FDA will fine you for not being regulated to distribute fish.
If you teach a man to fish, the Environmental Police will confiscate his rod and boat.
Now repeat after me: I am free.


SpindriftRascal t1_j9trryh wrote

It’s a great job if you like the fish and game stuff, if you like autonomy, and if you’re tough enough to handle the inevitable confrontation with a pissed-off hunter.


joe0306 t1_j9uezxg wrote

I echo all the other comments in here, I will also add that they are brutally understaffed.


AnyRound5042 t1_j9tcrqw wrote

I thought about it in college when one came to speak to my class but they had like 5,000 applicants for a few jobs and I figured I couldn't make the cut and never applied. Guy who came to speak was pretty cool


Irrelevantknowledge OP t1_j9txj3b wrote

Yeah there were a lot of people who took the test. They did it in groups of a few hundred so you never really saw how many there actually were. Looks like only 197 on the list which seems like a small number given how many people I saw that day.


wobwobwob42 t1_j9tmrea wrote

They definitely have a lot of cool toys


Silverline_Surfer t1_ja04i6d wrote

If you fuck with a piping plover they will go full Captain Planet on your ass.


randomlurker82 t1_ja0gxyi wrote

I worked on a fishing boat the summer I was 20. They boarded us twice, just to be sure our catches were all legal. They were fine if you were behaving but they could bring the wrath of God down on you if you were out of compliance with regs.