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MissingLesbianSpaces t1_j8slwbu wrote

Will lesbians be threatened with assault again? You know ... For being lesbians?


ratnissneverclean t1_j8tfwp9 wrote

There’s a lack of lesbian spaces in Boston and it’s showing. I def recommend sapphic nights (they’re on Instagram I think) rather than pride if you’re looking for something that is more inclusive


pfffftttttOK t1_j8wwn53 wrote

Honestly, it's purely business. Lesbian bars don't bring in money, gay bars do. I lived in SF and frequented the Lexington quite often with my lesbian friends. That place was DEAD, ALWAYS. It's not a surprise that these places don't stay open when the nearby gay bars are always packed.


ratnissneverclean t1_j977pam wrote

I think they did back in the 80s and 90s but a lot of WLW do not strictly ID as lesbian like our male counterparts do (plus most lesbians / sapphic ppl ik are not partiers, but Boston's nightlife scene sucks already due to a ton of ordinances / the T shutting down at 12)


Berzerk_Unit_Alpha t1_j8uew91 wrote

That is because Boston sucks.


PuritanSettler1620 t1_j8uv4bf wrote

Boston may not be perfect but it is still a lot closer than anywhere else in the world. Our Godly city on a hill is truly a beacon to the world!


Berzerk_Unit_Alpha t1_j8uw58z wrote

No. It just sucks. It sucks because Christianity ruined it


PuritanSettler1620 t1_j8w41m6 wrote

please elaborate


Berzerk_Unit_Alpha t1_j8wdpmm wrote

Hail satan


PuritanSettler1620 t1_j8y3jnj wrote

Wow, what a productive and insightful criticism of Boston.


Berzerk_Unit_Alpha t1_j8y4epw wrote



R_Morley t1_j9dhf07 wrote

This is the greatest city on earth -- go back to NY!


Berzerk_Unit_Alpha t1_j9ep54i wrote



R_Morley t1_j9f8v26 wrote



Berzerk_Unit_Alpha t1_j9foft7 wrote

That is soooooo hypocritical to say.


R_Morley t1_j9g4n14 wrote


Berzerk_Unit_Alpha t1_j9g8fu0 wrote


R_Morley t1_j9gxqf6 wrote

TBH a bop


Berzerk_Unit_Alpha t1_j9h3trj wrote

That is so hypocritical to say


Michelanvalo t1_j8uaqhd wrote

I'm out of the loop, what are you referencing


heather1999xyz t1_j8v39nv wrote

Essentially —

Conflicts in regards to some lesbians not being interested in inclusion in regards to trans women.

Some lesbians see a penis as a deal breaker — with biological sex an essential component to their sexuality, both personal and in terms of identity of the group.

Some lesbians are cool with penises.

Lesbians on both ends have been threatened with assault, sometimes involving threats of sexual violence by various individuals — not just (as some may mistakenly assume) transwomen. There is no barrier of gender or sex or sexuality in regards to threatening others in any way.


MissingLesbianSpaces t1_j8wvnb9 wrote

Exactly this. Isn't it strange that gay men are not threatened with either rape or assault if they are not open to being with a man who has a vagina? It's just like Good Ole-Fashioned sexism with a dash of lesbophobia thrown in. My first pride march was in the early 80s and I felt 100% safer back then, at least the hatred wasn't coming from inside the houae


heather1999xyz t1_j8wzh9u wrote

At a celebration of sexuality… …let’s shame people about their sexuality.

I don’t want to sound like a TERF — if someone isn’t into anyone’s specific genitalia then they just aren’t into it. And not wanting to get intimate with someone doesn’t mean they dislike a person or group or are a bigot.

I’m monogamous and bi. I’m married to a man. I’m not looking to get intimate with anyone else. That doesn’t mean I see them as less of people. Not to be crass but — not wanting to fuck someone doesn’t mean someone sees the other person or their identities as negatives.

There are also sometimes essential biological incompatibilities e.g. folks with vaginismus or with trauma involving a penis may not be able to have intimacy with penetration. Literally unable from a medical standpoint.

Also not everyone into specific genitalia is interested in sex with people with those genitalia. People have preferences within the preferences. Everyone has a different build. I have been with so many types of people. Some don’t have a physical compatibility with me or I’m not into them. Even stereotypical super hot fit guys who have been very ‘blessed.’ But that’s me personally. It’s not indicative of their ability to find someone they are more compatible with.

People also have different libidos. So someone who has a high libido, regardless of genitalia, may not be compatible with a low libido asexual person.

Comparability with romantic and sexual partners isn’t limited to genitalia. There are so many factors. Even in terms of requirements people have for people they have hookups with.

I’m obviously pro LGBT rights. But I sound old fashioned and conservative when I say what happens in the literal bedroom is private. In that it’s not something the general public is owed information or explanations about. I also don’t mean private as in ‘should be hidden and something to be ashamed of.’ It’s private info people can choose or not choose to share with ours.

People in kink get that privilege. So should everyone else.