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fuzzypickles34 t1_ja4znv2 wrote

Reply to comment by HoneydewOk1731 in fabric masks by cucumberwatermelon

Do you really care that much about seeing people’s faces on the T?


HoneydewOk1731 t1_ja555tj wrote

I think being unable to see other people’s faces is another social fragmentation. If you go back a few decades, complete strangers on public transit would gladly converse with one another during their commutes. I don’t think that’s something we should be glad about losing. But that’s just me. Phones and masks seem like the main culprits.

And yeah if I’m going to be surrounded by a bunch of randoms in a confined space… being able to see their faces gives me a better sense of physical security. You can usually read a person before they do something stupid or dangerous


krissithegirl t1_ja5vifv wrote

Newspapers, magazines, walk-mans, head-phones, earbuds, cell phones, laptops, iPad...... All items that have been used throughout history on public transportation to avoid having to speak to or listen to strangers. A mask is only a distraction for the person that has to look at it.