Submitted by No_Excitement_1053 t3_11bn9eu in boston

I’m in back bay and am to broke to pay for parking. I have a ticket in my car from a while ago, if I put the envelope on my windshield would the meter maid tow me or be like somebody already got him?



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nogiblets t1_j9ypdii wrote

Stupid. Completely void of finesse. Putting an old ticket on the windshield is asking to be re-ticketed and ups the risk of being towed. Saving a few parking dollars is hardly worth the price you'll have to cough up to pay all outstanding tickets, towing, and storage fees to retrieve an impounded car once you pay a taxi or Uber to dump you at the impound lot.


willzyx01 t1_j9z4rf4 wrote

People think that when parking enforcement officers see an orange envelope, they move on? lol

They take that envelope, check when it was written and then if it’s past the threshold, they will write another ticket. They’ve been doing this for years.


cocktailvirgin t1_j9z0sez wrote

I've definitely seen a car with a few tickets on it. The meter person has a route for the day so if they know that they didn't give you the ticket and they're the only one on that route, that the car is fair game to give another ticket to.


Tenma159 t1_j9yvqq6 wrote

Also pay your parking ticket. I forgot about one when I was in college and 10 years later, I couldn't renew my license bc of it. I had to drive all the way back to the city where I got it and pay it in person. It was a little inconvenient to say the least.


donkadunny t1_j9yskn8 wrote

Doubt it will work but most garages have weekend rates that are reasonably priced and much cheaper than the inevitable ticket


rainniier2 t1_ja0kjiw wrote

The obvious solution is to get rid of your car if you can’t afford to park it in back bay.


Dontleave t1_j9z3r85 wrote

Just find a spot where you can park legally. It’s a weekend so a lot of those commercial vehicle only spots are only valid Monday through Friday but people don’t read the sign and leave the spot open


Shemsuni t1_j9yq7nb wrote

Try it and report back


WLee57 t1_ja2thdz wrote

Get a bike, seriously. Its so much easier to get around the city. Get a zipcar for times you need a car


Sincerely_Me_Xo t1_ja3107y wrote

I ditched the car a while back as I spent more time driving it around to avoid the street sweepers than I drove it functionally in Back Bay.

Unless you are leaving the city multiple times each week… Save the money - invest in a scooter or zip car, and pay the ticket; They will ticket you endlessly.


SpindriftRascal t1_ja1hctk wrote

The “leave the orange envelope” trick doesn’t work, but also you don’t get towed for one outstanding ticket. I mean, unless it’s a tow zone.


tandemtuna t1_ja1n09z wrote

Just paint your car the same color as the ticket (make sure to match the color exactly) and you will have become invisible to meter maids. Park anywhere!


ZipBlu t1_ja2j05x wrote

Just saw a car on my street get two tickets in the same day so nope.


Iamunwell2020 t1_ja33fj2 wrote

Use park whiz or spot hero to help you find a cheaper spot