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Illustrious-Nose3100 t1_ja9hhlh wrote

It’s crazy. I was looking at a house all the way out in Medway. Nice little two bedroom. They want $414k, okay fine. Then I looked at the price history - the house was purchased for half that in 2019.

My income has gone up a little since 2019 but not enough to keep with with these prices.


whoeve t1_jadj0cg wrote

Looking at price history practically always sours me on buying a house. I love paying a 40% markup just because I'm buying now instead of a few years ago.


Illustrious-Nose3100 t1_jadlxak wrote

Yep. That’s exactly how I feel. I made 20k less 3-4 years ago but, honestly, I was in a better position to buy a home than I am now… just wasn’t ready to buy then.